When Talking About Child Loss Is Uncomfortable

death of a child

When you lose a child, you have a list of questions you hope to avoid. It doesn’t take long before you get good at anticipating when they will show up. On top of that list is usually, “How many kids do you have?” Meeting new people brings it out all the time, which is why my stomach is usually in … Read More

Communication After Death – My Signs from Cameron

Ever since Cameron died, my belief in communication after death has been confirmed. This is the story of how it all started. It is every parent’s worst nightmare to lose a child. I remember being angry at myself for even letting the thought cross my mind. It was unimaginable. Luckily this didn’t happen to people like us so I had nothing … Read More

Talking To Children About Death – My Experience

I never set out to discuss death with my children. It just sort of happened. It’s not a topic most parents touch until absolutely necessary. Even in those moments they struggle with what to say. For us, it was different. I’ve always thought it was ironic that Cameron and I spent so much time talking about it. In some weird way, I … Read More

Losing a Child – Our Story

My son went to bed a normal boy. Excited that Santa was on his way. Hopeful that in the morning, he would find everything he wanted under the tree. He would have! I never would have guessed that 2 hours later, when he woke up sick, it would be the start of my worst nightmare. Every waking moment I replay … Read More